Sunday, April 26, 2009

An outing in Tremont

In an effort to enjoy both wildflowers and solitude, we ditched the busy 'touristy' trails and spent a quiet afternoon in the Tremont area of the Smokies along Sams Creek on 4.21.09.
We had the trail all to ourselves.

Pale bluets next to a cascade on Thunderhead Prong....

A stunning carpet of violets in bright purple and snowy white....

A delicate, lacy Fringed Phacelia....

The bud of a Dwarf Crested Iris....

.....and nearby, an Iris in full bloom.

Back to the Jeep.

"Wash me?"

1 comment:

Parallax said...

Lovely - it's so nice to get away from the crowds and get to appreciate nature