Monday, January 21, 2013

Macro Monday

After the recent snowfall, we had a very cold night.  I wandered around the yard the next morning examining all the beautiful ice crystals.

Ice crystals on the buds of the peach tree
Snow and crystals on pine bough

Friday, January 18, 2013

Fauna Friday

Today we have a couple more pics from Cades Cove, which really is a great place to observe wildlife:

And not-so-wild-life!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rainin' then Snowin'

After literally days of nearly constant rain, rain, rain, this afternoon it transitioned into snow.  It began as a heavy wave of sleet that piled up on the cars, grass, and pavement, then big wet snowflakes took over.  We probably had about 2 inches of snow accumulation in our part of town. (Edit: the morning after - I walked around outside just now & it was deeper than I thought, more like a bit over 3 inches.)



Then the skies began to clear and we had a bright pink, stormy sunset - what a wild day!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fauna Friday

I'm instituting a new weekly feature here on the blog!  Welcome "Fauna Fridays", wherein I will post a few pics of the creatures I've seen during the week.  Enjoy!

This week's fauna were all sighted on Wednesday while hiking in Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It was a cool, dreary, misty/drizzly day - my favorite kind and the best for hiking off-trail!
Red-tailed Hawk (I think) - we saw many hawks while driving & hiking.

The only things we saw more than hawks were deer - lots!

....including a handful of lovely bucks.

11 deer in this field near the Elijah Oliver cabin.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Prepare to seethe with jealousy (if you're into seething).
I hit the bulb jackpot!
A couple weeks ago, I stumbled across these bulbs on sale for $2.00 a bag at MalWart, which was a good deal as they were originally $3.98/$4.98 each. They're clearing out the last of the fall-planting bulbs and I snagged these 3 bags for me and a couple other bags that I gave to my mom.

A few days ago, I went to a different MalWart & they had many of the same/similar bulbs that weren't labelled on sale, but I grabbed a bunch & took them to the price-scanner machine and they were.......
*drumroll*..... *wait for it*.....

$0.02 each.

I bought 136 bulbs for twenty-four cents. Wooohoooo!

Now I have to get them in the ground ASAP because some of them are already sprouting - big time.
Namely the dutch iris mix (which is supposed to be late-blooming!):

The red hyacinth is also peeking through:

Warmish temps right now feel very Spring-like, maybe even hitting 70 on Saturday!  But the weatherpeeps are saying we'll be cooler again next week......