Monday, April 6, 2009

Avoidance, Pt. 2

You know how, once you've put something off for a little while, then it gets increasingly easier and easier to *continue* putting it off, and way too hard to *stop* putting if off? Yeah, I've been doing that. Bad, bad, naughty blogger.
So, here's a catch-up post:

I was out of town for a week, visiting the family in Louisiana and soaking up as much good food as I could (including mass quantities of po-boys & beignets *slobber/drool*)
Now I'm back in Tennessee and enjoying the spring weather. Everything is SO green. Funny how the memory of greenness fades so quickly in the bleak, grey wintertime.
BUT, there is a call for snow showers again tonight so we're still not completely out of icy clutches yet.

I have a ton of photos to share but haven't the time to upload them all at once, so they're trickling in slowly. Check my Flickr account for some I've put up so far.

Ok, so I'm back and my goal is to stay better updated! Wish me luck :-)


GraceBeading said...

Welcome back Jen - I know EXACTLY what you mean, I'm a big offender in that regard.

We woke up to everything covered in snow this morning, I wanted to cry... I just want a couple of days in a row of NO heater. Looking forward to seeing your photos (I hear ALOT about the food down south, my Mr. lived in LA for a long time).

Also - I'm having a little giveaway on my blog that includes one of your faces...feel free to stop by to see what I've put together.

Jen said...

Your giveaway was great, Grace, what a nice thing to do! Thanks so much for the credit you gave me :-)

And I've been avoiding *again*, what the heck?! I gotta get a grip.