Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sunny outlook

Well geez, once again it sure has been a while since I've blogged.   I keep meaning to do it but life always gets in the way.  Let me catch you up to speed on one of my favorite things: the garden.

I ordered a packet of Giant Sunflower seeds from Burpee.  They have not grown to be tall giants (probably due to a combination of me not feeding/fertilizing them and the intensely hot drought we had at the start of the summer) but a few of the heads have gotten pretty large.

Here's a new flower forming.

Starting to open.......  I love the layers and layers of leaves and petals.

Next year I am going to fertilize the bejeebus out of these things and see what happens!

That is pretty big, right?  Not too shabby ;-)

Happy gardening!

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