We were out and about in Cades Cove on Sunday - it was a beautiful sunny day, not a cloud in the sky, though it was a bit chilly and there was still a dusting of snow in the terminally shady spots.
This Winter has been much milder than the last couple years and going along with that, it seems that Spring is getting a jump on things.

After finishing our hike along Rich Mtn Rd and coming back down via an old roadbed, we popped out in the field next to the concrete fire ring(?) across the road from the Missionary Baptist Church and discovered a patch of daffodils almost getting ready to bloom.
This seems very early.
I imagine the large patch near the north end Hyatt Lane will be coming along as well.... didn't get to check on it.
Our bulbs are coming up too. I'm not ready yet. I'm enjoying my hibernation mode!
I was just wondering yesterday how things were over your way re: sprouts, so glad you posted :-)
I'm not ready either, really. Feels so weird after the abundant cold/snow last year.... something's missing now!
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